09 Jan 2022

Sales Presentations – Essential Skill Set Required to become successful in sales

In thisblog post I’m going to share how to make a powerful sales presentation that will land you more clients and income.

I’m going to share 9 pointers on how to make a great sales presentation. These are all points that have helped top notch sales people to close deals with their client, so hopefully it’ll help you too.

So there are three things which are needed for a successful sales presentation..

  1. “The Content”
  2. Delivery
  3. Materials

I have divided this blog post into three parts.. in the first part I will talk about the messages that you need to deliver to your clients.

In the second part how to deliver those messages in a memorable engaging and compelling way in the third section I will talk about how you can use materials to support your messages and create a personal and emotional connection with your client.

Lets get to the first part “The Content”

The first lesson in preparing your content for the presentation is to make it about your client and not you..

Just imagine a sales presentation made by a sales professional where all the slides are about his company, their growth statistics, their achievements, their clients and on and on and on… I am sure that you start tapping your pen, paper fingers and you will start looking at your watch for the presentation to get over and at the end you will get up and say thank you and we will get back to you…

So the secret to make an important sales presentation is to make the presentation about their needs than about your company..

A client will be inclined to buy from you when they believe that you understand their needs. So next time when you go out to make a sales presentation… You can the presentation by understanding your client’s problems, needs and opportunities. You should also review them with the clients to make sure that you have all of this information right before going ahead in order not only help your client but also be more engaging as well!

Infact you can use email marketing automation to warm up and prepare your client even before you go out and make that great powerful sales presentation and close the deal.

The second lesson is to make it “Simple”

Most of the time the sales presentation are cramped with too much of information and lot of texts… the presentation go into each and every details and it leaves the client confusing and it also dilutes the information which we wanted to present to the client.

When the client is confused, he or she also will not be able to understand how better your company is from your competitor…

So always start your presentation with the end goal in mind and structure it like a story telling with a beginning, a middle and the end in the mind…

Make your presentation slides into three pointers because the human brain can remember three point easily and it becomes difficult if it is more than that..

Advertisers, comedians screenplay writer know all this trick and you can see this pattern everywhere.. in fairy tales, in advertisements in movie dialogues… you can see this pattern every where…

Prepare your slides with three pointers and you will see your presentation going great with it…

The third lesson in preparing content for your presentation is to create the story..

There are three points which you have remember when you are creating a story… which you can tell when making a presentation…

The first point is the market place story… the market place story is about who your company is and what you stand for… this serves as the foundation…

For example… if you are an architectural firm… it is important that you tell what your architectural company specializes in and where do you stand in the market place…

The second point is the Clients story… so this is where the presentation gets into the sales mode… if you are presenting architectural designs for their new office… then tell them how your design is going to impact their business in terms of improving their performance and service, how can it reduce risks, how your design will reduce costs, how convenient and accessible it will be…

The third point is .. Tell a real story… share a real success story of the projects your firm has done before and how it is helping them to achieve their goals…

Now let us get to the second part of this blog which is delivering the presentation…

There are three pointers when it comes to delivering your content..

The first point is to introduction and facilitation to the presentation.

The second step is the language, words and your confidence and conviction level…

The third point is answering questions and handling the objections…

The first point is start with the facilitation of the presentation.

The general framework for introduction and presentation will look like this..

The opening 

•The introductions 

•The agenda 

•Reviewing and confirming the understanding of needs of you client

•the story presentation slides

•Questions and answers 

•Closing the presentation…

The second step is the languages, words you use and your confidence and conviction in making the presentation…

Use the clients language, use power words and practice practice practice to improve your confidence and convition levels in making the presentation.

The third pointer is the question and answers and handling objections… and when it comes to this… make a list of all the question and objections your prospect or client might ask and be prepared with the answers to make it easy for you to handle the presentation flow…

If you face a question which you don’t know an answer for… you can always tell them politely that you will check with the concerned team and get back to them with a solution as soon as possible… again practice… practice… practice is the mantra here…

So the difference between professionals and people who struggle with the presentations is… the professionals put all the pressure in their practice and by the time when they stand in front of the client to make it… they don’t have any pressure at all…

Now lets get to the third part of the blog… which is materials for the presentation…

I wanted to start with this section with a truth… the truth is the slides in your powerpoint is not the presentation… The presentation Is the YOU. You are the presentation and you are the presenter as well. So please remember this…

All the slides you use is only a material which supports your presentation… so I would like to share few points here…

Make your headlines as a power packed one instead of a normal standard one…

Keep three points in a slide and also keep it cluster free…

Use images instead text… because a picture is worth thousand words….

Focus on the design and make it pleasant…

Prepare a storyboard and practice it till you get the natural flow…

I have created the email marketing automation blueprint to help you to warm, follow up and also close sales deals with your clients and my email marketing automation system can help you to scale up your sales year on year…

Delivering a powerful sales presentation is one of the essential skills for any successful salesperson. By following the method which I had shared in this blog, you can make sure that your presentation packs a punch and leaves a lasting impression on your audience. Remember, practice makes perfect – so start rehearsing today!

As usual keep rocking in your life work and business… I will meet you with another power packed blog post…

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